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Monroe Hearing Center - Monroe, MI

Woman confused at work because she has untreated hearing loss.

During the typical working years, many people build a lot of their perceived self-worth up around their job. Their self-image is frequently based on what job they have, their position, and how much they make.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks, “So what do you do”? It most likely has something to do with your job.

It’s not enjoyable to think about what would happen if something took your career away. But if you value your job, then you should be aware of this career-buster.

That livelihood killer is the disturbing link between neglected hearing loss and job success.

Unemployment Rate is Higher With Untreated Hearing Loss

A person with untreated hearing trouble is over 200% more likely to be unemployed or underemployed. If a person isn’t working full time or has marketable skills that their not making use of and their not earning as much money as they should be, that’s defined as underemployed.

In nearly any occupation, people with neglected hearing loss face lots of difficulties. Doctors need to be able to hear their patients. A construction worker has to hear his co-workers in order to work together on a job. Even a librarian would find it hard to assist library patrons without her hearing.

Many individuals work their entire lives in one line of work. They become very good at what they do. If they can no longer do that job well because of neglected hearing loss, it’s difficult to make a living doing something else.

The Wage Gap Caused by Hearing Impairment

Along with unemployment, those with hearing loss all tend to experience a substantial wage gap, making around 75 cents for every dollar a person with normal hearing makes. Many independent studies support this wage gap and show that that gap averages out at around $12,000 lost wages every year.

The extent of hearing loss is strongly associated with how much they lose. Even individuals with moderate hearing loss are potentially losing money, according to a study of 80,000 people.

What Are Some on The Job Struggles That Individuals With Hearing Loss Experience?

Somebody with untreated hearing loss is 5 times more likely to take a sick day as a result of job stress.

From moment to moment, somebody with hearing loss copes with stresses that co-workers never recognize. Envision having to concentrate on hearing and comprehending in team meetings while others just take hearing for granted. Now imagine the anxiety of missing something important.

That’s even worse.

While on or off the job, it’s three times more likely that somebody with neglected hearing loss will suffer from a fall. Both impact your ability to do the work.

Someone with untreated hearing loss is at an increased danger, in addition to job concerns, of the following:

  • Paranoia
  • Social Isolation
  • Dementia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Reduced productivity is the result of all this. And given the difficulties that a person suffering from hearing loss experiences at work and in life, they may also not be considered for an available promotion.

Luckily, there’s a really bright silver lining to this dismal career outlook.

An Effective Career Strategy

Studies also reveal that getting hearing loss treated can eliminate the unemployment and the wage gap.

The wage gap can be erased by 90 – 100% for someone with minor hearing loss who uses hearing aids, as reported by a study carried out by Better Hearing Institute.

About 77% of that gap can be removed for a person with moderate hearing loss. That’s about the earning level of somebody who has normal hearing.

Even though hearing loss can be managed it’s not uncommon for people to disregard it during their working years. They may feel self-conscious about losing their hearing. It makes them feel old.

Hearing aids may seem too expensive. They most likely don’t recognize that if hearing loss is neglected, it worsens more quickly in addition to triggering the other health problems mentioned above.

These studies are even more compelling when these common objections are taken into account. Not treating your hearing loss might be costing you more than you think. It’s time to get a hearing test if you’re trying to decide if you should wear hearing aids at work. Contact us and we can help you determine whether hearing aids would help.

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