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Monroe Hearing Center - Monroe, MI

Woman connecting her hearing aids to her smart home.

Recall how the exciting new future technology was going to take civilization into the “world of tomorrow”? We’re presently moving into a “golden age” of technology, and the development of hearing aids is an important part of it.

Having the capability of connecting to your computer, smartphone, or TV is something that lots of contemporary hearing aid models come with. This permits you to hear these devices better and also creates a more relaxing environment for people around you who are too nice to tell you to turn down the volume on the TV.

For the purpose of recreation, these features are very good, but many users fail to set them up because they think that it’s too complicated. This could be an expensive mistake.

Improved Connectivity Brings Another Layer of Security

According to the Fire Protection Research Foundation, the smoke detector can’t be heard by a significant number of people over 50. Are you able to hear your smoke alarm from any room in your home?? Even with hearing aids, this can be a challenge. Luckily, this life threatening danger is already being reduced by new technology.

The public is getting access to new devices that are being developed each year. Smart home setups normally come with smoke detectors that can connect to modern hearing aids. This means you’ll hear the alarm from everywhere in your home. It works in essentially the same way as streaming your phone to any other smart device. But streaming your hearing aid to your smoke alarm can actually save your life.

Hearing Aids Can Stream to Wi-Fi Doorbells

In addition to improving safety, there is excellent entertainment value in having your hearing aid connected to numerous devices in your home, but the current trend in smart home technology is at your front door. Doorbells that can connect to Wi-fi are turning up in a lot more homes. The benefit of these doorbells is that they have audio and video features.

That’s one more device in your smart home that your hearing aid can connect to and that’s good news. Wondering who’s at the door? A Wi-fi doorbell would send audio directly to your hearing aid so you would see who’s at the door instantly.

Why is it Worthwhile to Make Sure You Get it Set up?

It takes a little time to set these functions up to communicate with your hearing aid, and that stops many individuals from utilizing them. Still, it’s important to recognize that connecting your hearing aid to smart technology in your home can make your life safer, more relaxed, and ultimately more enjoyable.

The best part? When you buy your hearing aids, we can show you exactly how to set them up. If you’re still struggling with the settings when you get home, most hearing aids have abundant online resources to help you understand the set-up process.

In short, if you’ve purchased a new hearing aid that has wi-fi capabilities, you’re losing out if you don’t set them up.

When to Update Your Hearing Aids

Older hearing aid models are missing a number of connectivity possibilities. In addition, there are numerous technical enhancements that are made each year to improve the overall audio quality of hearing aids. If you’re having difficulty with hearing in particular settings or want to experience some of the new features you’re missing, make an appointment with us to improve your hearing and your quality of life.

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